The 8th Arjia Rinpoche

Түүний Түүх

In the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, “Rinpoche” is a title given to a tulku – a reincarnated being of a previous holy person.

When he was two years old, Arjia Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of the father of Lama Tsong Khapa, the great thirteenth-century Buddhist reformer, and, as such, became the Abbot of Kumbum Monastery located in eastern Tibet.

Among Tibetans and Mongolians, it is a very high honor to have your child become a monk and receive a Buddhist education.

In 1958, when he was eight years old, Rinpoche was humiliatingly subjected to as a member of the “exploiting class” by the Chinese Communist Party. When the “Chinese Great Leap Forward” occurred, Rinpoche had to disrobe and attend a Chinese school. As a result, he was indoctrinated in the Chinese Communist ways but secretly maintained his Buddhist identity as influenced by his teacher. 

From age twelve to fourteen when the Chinese policies slightly eased, Rinpoche studied at Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, the monastery of the Panchen Lama. From age fourteen to twenty-seven during the Cultural Revolution, the political situation got much worse again, and he had to work in the fields as hard labor as other lamas and monks.

In 1979, he was reinstated as the Abbot of Kumbum Monastery and advanced in the governmental hierarchy. In 1998, he was about to become the leader of the Buddhist Association of China. In a crisis of conscience, he escaped from Beijing to Guatemala and, with the help of the Dalai Lama, sought asylum in the United States.

Ажиа Гэгээн Калифорни мужийн Милл Вайлий хэмээх хөндийд суурьшиж, Түвдийн Энэрэн Нигүүлсэхүй, Мэргэн Ухааны Төвийг байгуулжээ. 2005 онд Дээрхийн Гэгээнтэн Далай Лам түүнийг Индиана мужийн Блүүмингтон хот дахь Төвд Монголын Буддын Соёлын Төвийн захирлаар томилох хүсэлт тавьжээ. Тэрээр 2006 оны 2-р сард Блүүмингтон руу нүүж, төвөө шинэчилж, түүнээс хойш өнөөг хүртэл Буддын шашныг сурталчилж байна.


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